Vet Info Co-Founder Bill speaks to Students and Staff at Florida International University about the importance of Giving Back – 22 Janurary 2025.

Vet Info Capt. Bill was invited to Florida International University ( F.I.U.) to spend the afternoon with the Panthers during the Non-Profit 101 Seminar. Bill expressed the importance of giving back, volunteering, and Suicide Prevention in the Veteran Community. We are proud of all our Founders and thier involvement in the community. Link to Speech on our You-Tube Video Channel.

Vamos a Pescar Miami 2021

Vamos a Pescar Miami took place on September 19, 2021, at Miami Dade’s Tropical Park. Vet Info was asked to volunteer by Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission. Eight Volunteers from vet info worked alongside Miami Dade Eco Adventures, Bass Pro Shops, and Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission.

During the event, over 70 participants learned to cast, bait their hooks and tie knots. The volunteers supported each fisherman with casting and baiting hooks. Several participants caught fish. Anglers caught bluegill, largemouth bass, peacock bass, and tilapia.

“Big thanks go to Capt. Bill Watts and the Vet Info organization for providing eight shoreline fishing volunteers, along with FWC volunteers Roberto Chiuz and David Finley. FWC Wildlife Officers Washington, Dube, and Rodriguez facilitated quick setup and breakdown, assisted during the activities, and worked the information table throughout. Outreach literature was specifically selected to instruct new anglers and highlight local fishing sites to encourage future fishing. Eric Rivera and Miami-Dade Parks provided the main organization and location for the event, and staff from Miami-Dade’s “Eco Adventures” program provided the casting instruction and additional shoreline assistance.”

John Cimbaro
Biological Scientist III | Division of Freshwater Fisheries
Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission
Founders Mark Pinilla and Bill Watts of Vet Info
volunteering at the Vamos a Pescar Miami.

It was an incredible day to share with the family as they learned to fish.

See the gallery of photos from that day!