William “Bill” Watts

William “Bill” Watts

William Alan Watts Sr., United Sates Army, Service from 1989 to 1996, 4/5 ADA 1st Cavalry Division, 2nd Infantry Division, 24th Infantry Division and 3rd Infantry Division.

Tours of Duty – Gulf War Combat Veteran, Korea, Egypt – Operation Bright Star, 9 Deployments to the National Training Center (NTC)

Awards – 2 Army Commendation Medals, 6 Army Achievement Medals, 2 Good Conduct Medals, National Defense Service Medal, Southwest Asia Service Medal with 3 Bronze Service Stars, Korea Defense Service Medal, Overseas Medal, Kuwait Liberation Medal, Professional Development Ribbon with Numeral 2, Named Soldier of the Quarter Battalion Level and Higher in Korea, Named NCO of the Quarter Battalion Level and Higher at Ft. Stewart Georgia, Several Certificate of Achievements, Maintained Expert Weapons Badges throughout Military Service

Information During Service

Deployed with 4th Battalion 5th Air Defense Artillery, 1st Cavalary Division during the Gulf War and Liberation of Kuwait.  While deployed as a 31C he worked at several different MOS positions due to his high knowledge of different types of equipment to include the repair and maintenance of all company communication equipment.  Additionally he was required to learn air craft recognition and the operation of Air Defense equipment.  Involved in combat and the capture of 6 enemy combatants. VOLUNTEERED to remove a damaged M163 from the combat area which contained a volatile Stinger missle system that had to be disarmed after being hit by enemy fire.

Received the Korean Defense Service Medal while assigned to the 2nd Infantry Division at Camp Casey Korea.  While in Korea learned the latest communication equipment to be deployed and was named Soldier of the Quarter up to Bridgade Level and competed until an injury prevented him from further competion.

While assigned to the 24th Infantry Division and later the 3rd Infantry Division he became one of the top Trainers on the Mobile Subscriber Equipment and taught its operation to numerous soldiers throughout the Battalion.  During Skill testing by the Army was one of only 3 NCO’s in the Battalion to pass the newly created test for Skills and operation of the equipment.  Additionally was assigned to numerous NCOIC positions at the company level.  Became NCO of the Quarter at the Battalion level twice and competed in higher competitions within the Division.

After Service

Became the 1st President of his Home Owners Association and remained President for 14 Years.

Was Seated on the Doral Community Council to be involved in the decision making for Doral Community and the surrounding area.  Including being named School Liaison for the Council.

Served on the West Dade Federations of Homeowners as Chair of the Schools and Police committee.  Which helped bring in a new elementary and the Ronald Reagan/ Doral Senior High School to Doral.

Served on the Euginia B. Thomas K-8 Centers- Educational Excellence School Advisory Council (EESAC) as a founding member and remained for 14 years.  Helping set school policies and keep the school in a A and A+ rating.

Was a Founding Member of the Doral Friends of the Library which brought the 1st County Library system into the the Doral Community.

Became heavily involved with the District 12 Dade County Commissioner to have a No Thru Truck Zone and Cross Walks installed near the Eugina B. Thomas K-8 Center.  Then fought with the state to move a planned Turnpike exit away from the school.  All for the Safety of the children.

Founding Member of the Rotary Club International for the Doral Chapter.

Activist for Doral to become a City and a Founding Member of a Legal group to help Doral incorporate into a City no longer under County Control.

Served as the Vice-Chair on the City of Doral’s Military Advisory Committee.  Appointed by Mayor Juan Carlos Bermudez and City Council.

Set up the first gambling intervention at the Miami VA hospital for Veterans and civilians and became peer support for those veterans in need.

Very outspoken on issues concerning Veterans in particular Gulf War Veterans working with Upper VA Administration in Washington to set up calls and listening sessions.

Was Chosen to be a Military Consumer Reviewer for the DOD Funded Gulf War Illness Research Program (GWIRP) out of Washington DC.   Which is looking to improve Health and quality of Life for Millions of Veterans.

Sitting member of the Department of Veterans Affairs Research Advisory Committee and Sub-Committee for Gulf War Illness out of Washing DC.   Helping to improve Healthcare and Quality of life of the 325,000 + sick Gulf war Veterans.   As a Subcommittee member of the Department of Veteran Affairs Research Advisory Committee Travels the U.S. to speak with Doctors and Veterans about healthcare, research and quality of life issues related to Gulf War Illness.  In 2019 created and delivered the Quality of Life Report of the Gulf War Veterans to the nation during a live video feed from the Department of Veteran Affairs in Washington DC.

Highly sought after Nationally by the Veteran Health Care Research and University Research Departments for his knowledge and association with Veterans who suffer from Gulf War Illness / Chronic Multi-Symptom Illness.  Participates in Research performed by the Miami VA Hospital to improve the health of Gulf War Veterans.  Volunteers with Nova Southern University and the Miami VA Hospital system to coordinate and recuit Veterans for Research.

Actively pursuing Research with local universities on the benefits of non-drug alternatives and Fishing for Veterans suffering from PTSD and other Mental or physical disabilities.

Using his knowledge of fishing helps to teach others the sport to include being certified to teach and validate the Boy Scouts of America Fishing Badge, giving classes at Veteran Affairs facilities, parks and Bass Pro Shops.  Serves as Pro Staff for several different companies in the fishing industry.

Former Director of Operations of Fishing with America’s Finest

Volunteered with Fishing with America’s Finest and later became the 1st  Director of Operations for this Group remaining a volunteer.  Fishing with America’s Finest is a Non-Profit 501C3 Corporation which works with Veterans suffering from PTSD, Physical or other mental disabilities.  The mission of F.W.A.F. is to reduce the stress and anxiety commonly known as PTSD from returning combat Veterans past and present as it is not Combat Era specific.  The program has been around for almost 10 years and has had over 4,700 combat Veterans and their family members go through the relaxation process provided to them.  Veterans are taken out FREE to the Florida Everglades ( other locations coming Nation Wide ). They received F.W.A.F. Fishing 101 and a day of bass fishing, lunch and good times.  To learn more about this program and Captain Bill Watts please visit our Facebook page- Fishing with America’s Finest and our web page – www.fishingwithamericasfinest.org
Growing up in Gold Hill Alabama and Mayo/Chesnee, South Carolina,   my grandparents the Hatter’s introduced me to fishing at a very young age.  Both of my grandparents had a true passion for fishing and could sit and fish for hours on end.   This Love of fishing was passed down from them into my very being.   I had gotten away from fishing for a little while then once I moved to Doral Florida in 1999 the need to fish was starting to return.

Board and Team Member of Dive4Vets

Using Diving to help those who suffer from Physical and Mental issues using water to heal.


Advocate for Veteran Healthcare and Suicide Prevention throughout the United States.  Helping Veterans find the care they need through social media and direct face to face intervention.

Instrumental in raising almost $100,000 dollars for Non-Profit and outreach organizations to help within his community and the Veteran community in South Florida.  Serving on notable committees for American Cancer Society, Fishing with America’s Finest, Dive 4 Vets, Jeff Dellenbach Foundation and the National Kick-a-Thon.

Helps create clean up events for the Florida Everglades working with Senior Officials from The Florida Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Working closely with major political figures in South Florida to help create and organize Veteran Outreach programs and events serving as lead Veteran on Steering Committees.  Designed to help up to 1,000 Veterans in need.

Major part of Planning team for Doral Family day in 2018 and 2019 for 250 Military members and family members as well Part of team to Plan Fishing with America’s Finest Salute to Veterans in 2019, plus additional smaller events with 10 – 50 Veterans.

Panel Member for the 2020 Shield Conference in Nova Southern University.

Host of the Veterans for Veterans Event to be broadcast Nation wide for all Veterans to attend and learn about research.  Focusing on Gulf War Illness.

During the Covid-19 Pandemic has helped organize food drives for the community and Veterans.  Personally, delivering food to those without transportation.

Major Awards

Congressional Veterans Commendation Award- for his work with Veterans.

Florida Senate Veterans Champion Award – For his dedication and work for Veterans in need.

Recongnized by the City of Doral for his work with the Veterans.

Chosen to be the 1st Ever Spotlighted Veterans in the INIM Gulf War Dispatch ( Nova Southern University / South Florida VA Healthcare system )

Recently Chosen to be Featured in the DOD Gulf War Annual Magazine which is seen by Millions of Veterans.  ( has not yet been published. )

Numerous Community Awards

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