Memorial Day 2024

On May 27, 2024, Memorial Day, at the City of Doral Veterans Park, Vet Info in collaboration with the City of Doral and the Doral Military Advisory Board held a memorial service in remembrance of the fallen men and women who sacrificed for our freedom.

Veterans and members of the Doral community came together to honor our fallen heroes.

Today is not about barbeques, drinking beer on a boat, sleeping in because you do not have to go to work today, or even the word “Happy” as so many use to describe the day.

Today is a day to celebrate the men and women who sacrificed their lives so that we may do those things. A veteran said, “I can sleep at night, in peace, without fear because of their sacrifice”.

The cost is immeasurable!! A child growing up without their parent. A spouse without her partner. The passing of a family member and not being present. Missed games, ballet recitals, birthdays, and anniversaries are just standard operating procedures.

On this weekend of Memorial Day 2024, we implore you to take a moment and remember why you have the life that you have. Freedom is not free. It was paid by those heroic men and women who said, “I will give my life for you”.

Thank you to the following people for making Memorial Day 2024 a success.

  • SM William Fitzgerald Retired USMC conducted the Pledge of Allegiance.
  • Doral Police Department Chaplin Sgt Mulet gave the invocation.
  • SPC Napoles from the 13th Army Band performed TAPS.
  • LCMR Tony Chitwood US Navy Southern Command was the main speaker.
  • Mark Pinilla, Founder of Vet Info provided logistics and volunteers.
  • William “Bill” Watts US Army/Chair Military Advisory Committee
  • Chris Flynn US Air Force/Secretary Military Advisory Committee
  • City of Doral provided food from Sergios Restaurant in Doral
  • Starbucks on 41st and 115th Ave donated coffee.
  • Sports Clips on 41st St and 104th Ave donated haircut coupons.
  • Jersey Mikes Doral Plaza 58th Street and 107th Ave donated coupons.
  • City of Doral Police
  • City of Doral Parks Department

Special Guest in attendance:

  • Vice Mayor Oscar Puig
  • Council member Maureen Porras
  • Council member Rafael Pineyro
  • Derek Aguste Veteran & Military Affairs FIU
  • Samantha Pinilla President Student Veterans of America FIU
  • Kelly Aguste The Mission Continues
  • Amanda Khouri The Mission Continues
  • Amanda Rodriguez Veteran & Military Affairs FIU
  • Tomas Canela Mission United
  • Richard Bautista Veterans of Foreign Wars
  • Green Knights Southern Command
  • Costa Del Sol Run Club
  • William Fitzgerald IV Young Marines
  • Juan Carlos Esquivel Doral Voice Community Radio
  • Ettore Sabatella Doral Family Journal/Civil Air Patrol

Vet Info Fund Raiser at Publix Doral Isle Week 2

Vet Info will be holding a Fund Raiser at the Doral Isles Publix on NW 58th Street.  Help us Support the Veterans we serve.   If you can not attend in person you may use the Zelle QR code below.


U.S. Southern Command Army Birthday 5K Run

U.S. Souther Command will be hosting a 5K run in honor of the Army’s Birthday on June 14th, 2024 starting at 6am.  You must go to Gate 2 to sign in and register.  We will add more information to this post once we have it available.

Vet Info Establishes Fishing Fridays at Southern Command.

As Part of the Cast Off 22 Program Vet Info has established Fishing Fridays at U.S. Southern Command. This will be an on going program over the next 12 months to give the Active Duty and Veterans who work at the Installation a chance to learn how to fish or increase their skills with Bass Pro Shops Pro Bill Watts and the Vet Info Volunteers.

Every day is Veteran’s Day

Today we celebrate the sacrifices made by Veterans. But do we really understand the sacrifice? Can it really be summed up in one day of remembrance?

How do we console the family members who do not get to see their beloved Veterans anymore? How do we make up for missed births, birthdays, dance recitals, swimming competitions, school debates, anniversaries, and so much more? What about the first steps or first words of a baby? How do we only remember for one day that we are losing more than 22 veterans per day? How do we count the days of a soldier who has not been found or returned home?

Can we really celebrate for one day the daily pain many Veterans face due to their unwavering service to our country? Agent Orange and burn pit side effects, lost limbs, and mental health does not rest for 364 days until the next Veteran’s Day.

As we honor our Veteran heroes, we must not honor them for only one day. We must honor the never-ending pain and struggles they confront daily.

No Veteran Left Behind, Conflict, Does Not End on the Battlefield!

Bass Pro Grant for Vet Info 2023

Vet info is honored to receive a $2000 grant from Bass Pro. The funds will be used to further our cause of improving the quality of life of military veterans.

Bass Pro has been instrumental in our success and ability to serve the Military Veteran community. We are a grassroots organization with no employees. Support from Bass Pro and other organizations who want to serve military is truly inspiring and appreciated.

In 2022, Bass Pro Miami, Tampa, and Ft. Myers help us with providing t-shirts for Veterans living in retirement homes. We provided over 400 gift packages that included shirts, puzzle books, hygiene supplies, and a holiday card written by high school students.

Vet Info Holiday Cheer

One of Vet Info’s programs is kayaking. Sometimes we fish too. Bass Pro helped us with the purchase of the Kayaks. We are very grateful for the two Old Towne PDL 120s and the four Ascend 12ts. This photo was taken at the Miami Lakes Veteran’s Day Parade 2023.

The Veteran below never thought he could ever go and kayak. He suffers from many issues onset from Agent Orange when he served as a Marine in Vietnam. He found kayaking to be fun and easy to do and has even thought of buying his own kayak.

Fishing with a Veteran

Don’t Wait & Reach Out Campaign

Vet Info participated in the Suicide Awareness Month event at the William “Bill” Kling Community Outpatient Clinic with the Miami VA. Many community organizations/non-profits participated to share how we all support our hero military veterans. Dr. Shereef Elnahal, Under Secretary for Health at the Department of Veterans Affairs spoke at the event and conveyed the importance of the need for the community and the VA to unite and combat the epidemic of suicides amongst veterans.

Dr. Elnahal, Under Secretary for Health at the Department of Veteran Affairs was kind enough to give us a plug about our bracelet at 2:36. “No Veteran Left Behind”

No Veteran Left Behind Bracelet