Veterans Day in the City of Doral

Join us at Doral Veterans Park as we celebrate those who served our Great Nation.  Vet Info has been one of the Sponsors of this event for the past 4 years, with our founder Bill Watts who served being a Guest Speaker in the Past.
Agenda – TBD
Guest Speakers from City of Doral, US Southern Command, and Political Figures from South Florida.

Light Refreshments to be served.

Doral Military Veteran Breakfast

Working with Members of the community Vet Info comes together to help host this monthly breakfast.  If you live in the area come out and join us.

No Veteran Left Behind – Veterans Day 2024

Mark Pinilla, Founder of Vet Info, spoke at Miami Dade College’s West Campus on Monday, November 4th, in honor of Veterans Day.

This day holds deep significance as a time to remember, reflect, and show respect for the countless men and women who have served and sacrificed for our nation. Veterans Day offers us a moment to recognize the bravery, commitment, and resilience of those who have dedicated themselves to protecting our freedoms and ensuring our country’s security. As a nation, it is essential that we express our gratitude—not only by saluting our veterans but by acknowledging the sacrifices they and their families have made. We extend heartfelt thanks to those who have paid tribute to their invaluable contributions.

No Veteran Left Behind

Vet Info Receives Certificate of Appreciation

Vet Info who is a strong supporter of health care in our Veterans receives a Certificate of Appreciation for the VISN 8 Lung Health Fair 2023. Our Founder William “Bill” Watts is the VISN 8 Veteran Advocate for the LPOP Team. He suffers from Toxic Exposures and was diagnosed with RADS after his participation in Desert Storm in 1991. ( RADS – Reactive Airways Dysfunction Syndrome ).

Fishing Friday at Southern Command

This will be the last Fishing Friday of 2024.  Veterans who have access to the Garrison may attend this event.  For Veterans and Active Duty who have access.

City of Doral Military Family Day 2024

Celebrate with the City of Doral and Vet Info Military Family Day 2024.

EventBrite Link – Military Family Day and Health Fair Tickets, Sat, Nov 16, 2024 at 11:00 AM | Eventbrite


Lunch will be served ( Expecting Mission BBQ ) and Little Ceasars Pizza


Kids Bounce Houses


MWR from Southern Command
Miami VA Hospital will be providing Health Checks, Eligibility, Mental
Nova University Dental School
Vet Info
Concerned Veterans of America
Young Marines
FIU Veteran & Military Affairs/SVA
Mission Continues
Wounded Warrior Project
Miami Military Museum
Harley Davidson
Miami Vet Center
Quinones DDS
Mulitcare Community Services
Florida Fish and Wildlife
Miami Dade Parks / ECO Adventures
United Martial Arts
Pets for Vets – Free Pet Adoption