Working with members of the National 50th Commemorative Committee of the Vietnam War being over. Vet Info has teamed up to do a Pinning Ceremony for those Veterans who live in the Community Living Centers (CLC) of the Miami VA Hospital. This will be a closed event restricted to those performing the ceremony, Veterans, and Staff. This is a celebration of those who returned home and were forgotten about and treated wrongly for doing what their Country asked them to do. If you see a Veteran Thank him for the Freedoms you have today….
Tag: Miami VA Hospital
Vet Info Co-Founder Bill speaks to Students and Staff at Florida International University about the importance of Giving Back – 22 Janurary 2025.

Vet Info Capt. Bill was invited to Florida International University ( F.I.U.) to spend the afternoon with the Panthers during the Non-Profit 101 Seminar. Bill expressed the importance of giving back, volunteering, and Suicide Prevention in the Veteran Community. We are proud of all our Founders and thier involvement in the community. Link to Speech on our You-Tube Video Channel.
Vet Info Receives Certificate of Appreciation

Vet Info who is a strong supporter of health care in our Veterans receives a Certificate of Appreciation for the VISN 8 Lung Health Fair 2023. Our Founder William “Bill” Watts is the VISN 8 Veteran Advocate for the LPOP Team. He suffers from Toxic Exposures and was diagnosed with RADS after his participation in Desert Storm in 1991. ( RADS – Reactive Airways Dysfunction Syndrome ).
Nutrition Fair at the Miami VA
The Healthy Eating team will be hosting a Nutrition Fair for Veterans at the Miami VA. Vet Info has been invited to take part of this great event.
Miami LPOP Lung Cancer Prevention Fair
Vet Info Recognized by the Miami VA Healthcare System for Guitar Donations
In an effort to add to quality of life of the Veterans living in South Florida, Vet Info donated 10 guitars to the Music Therapy Program. Some of the guitars were placed in wards around the VA and the rest will be used in indivual therapy classes and given to Veterans who meet certain criteria.
VET INFO and Bass Pro Shops featured in the April 2023 Doral Family Journal

On March 8th Mayor Christi Fraga and the City Council honored Vet Info Inc. and Bass Pro Shops Miami in the Doral Government Center. Vet Info received the Key to the City for their instrumental role in supporting those who have bravely served in the United States Military and their families through Events and Programs. Bass Pro Shops was also honored with a special Proclamation for their many efforts that provide resources to the Veterans to improve quality of life, and for giving back to the community. Both organizations have collaborated regularly with the City of Doral to address the needs of the Veterans and Active Duty Service Members at Southern Command.
When the Founders of Vet Info Created the organization they thought long and hard about who to represent. Numerous larger Veteran Non-Profits focus on 9/11 forward, but Vet Info is proud to focus on all Living Veterans that served from World War II to present day.
If you would like to Donate to help us bring a better quality of life to the Veterans please click HERE