Team Vet Info / VISN8 LPOP Fight for Air Climb Tampa

Vet Info teamed up with VISN8 LPOP-Tampa to honor our Veterans who lost the fight or continue to fight with lung-related issues. The American Lung Association held its annual Fight for Air Climb at the Bank of America Building in Downtown Tampa.

This climb consisted of 42 stories, equal to 914 steps which all team members who could participate completed in under 27 minutes. Team Vet Info / VISN8 LPOP raised $1,145.00 for this worthy cause, met numerous Veterans during the event, and spread the word about Lung Cancer Screening and Research! Well over One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars was raised during the day-long event, with ages ranging from 10 years old to 80 years old facing the challenge.

The Stars of the show were the local firefighters who donned full safety gear weighing over 90 pounds and raced to the finish line on the 42nd floor.
No Veteran Left Behind!

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