Kayak & Fishing Program

According to the Veteran Health Care National Center for PTSD, 11-20% of veterans have PTSD. While veterans are provided with mental health services, traditional methods are not always productive. Recreational Therapy, especially Fishing programs, is an effective alternative for veterans with PTSD.

Piscatorial Therapy

Bill Watts, Co-Founder of Vet Info and Gulf War Veteran, has personally experienced the benefits of fishing therapy as a participant and captain taking numerous veterans fishing. Vet Info is committed to supporting veterans in every aspect of providing a better quality of life. Through partnerships and support from organizations like Bass Pro and the City of Doral, we will be launching a fishing therapy program with 12 excursions to local lakes and 12 to the Everglades. These excursions cover food, water, gas, and insurance for approximately 3-4 veterans per trip for the first year.

We are looking for financial assistance of $10,500 for 4 Kayaks, Life vests, fishing equipment (Rods, Reels, and Tackle), and trailer-to-store equipment to get this program started. After the first year, we estimate that the 24 excursions will require a $3,500 investment per year.

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