Legal Aid

This page is to provide information only and Veterans should contact each outreach and make their own decision on using any of the listed programs.

Social Security

Social Security Administration official website –

Social Security Disability (SSDI) for Veteran. Americans who engage in military service can suffer from mental and physical side effects lasting a lifetime. These veterans who have become disabled may be entitled to receive disability benefits from the Social Security Administration. Veterans who are already receive VA benefits can potentially be eligible for either Supplement Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI).

Binder and Binder website
Contact Binder & Binder® Get answers to questions about Social Security Disability benefits. Call 1-800-66-BINDER and talk about your concerns. Or you may simply complete our online contact form for a free initial consultation. But contact us—we are here to help those who need help the most.
