Vet Info Capt. Bill was invited to Florida International University ( F.I.U.) to spend the afternoon with the Panthers during the Non-Profit 101 Seminar. Bill expressed the importance of giving back, volunteering, and Suicide Prevention in the Veteran Community. We are proud of all our Founders and thier involvement in the community. Link to Speech on our You-Tube Video Channel.
Vet Info who is a strong supporter of health care in our Veterans receives a Certificate of Appreciation for the VISN 8 Lung Health Fair 2023. Our Founder William “Bill” Watts is the VISN 8 Veteran Advocate for the LPOP Team. He suffers from Toxic Exposures and was diagnosed with RADS after his participation in Desert Storm in 1991. ( RADS – Reactive Airways Dysfunction Syndrome ).
For years I have been a victim of being overweight and each visit to my Primary Care Provider (PCP) and the MOVE Clinic of the VA Healthcare system they always tell me I need to lose weight and provide me with information to look at a better way to eat. So in this post I am providing you with information on Carbs and and Gluten-Free Nutrition Therapy. This gives you great examples of low carb foods and foods to avoid. I hope you find this information helpful. Until next time your friendly neighborhood Capt. Bill
Information provided by Dr. Gregory Holt – Lung Cancer Kilts
A pulmonary nodule is that dreaded “spot” seen on a Chest CT scan and could mean anything from an old scar to lung cancer. They are typically less than 3 cm in diameter (about 1 1/4th inches). Spots greater than 3cm (1 1/4th inch) are considered masses and are included in the category of findings that require urgent evaluation.
Nodules are characterized based on how they look. Ground Glass Opacities, nicknamed GGOs, are hazy structures with borders that are difficult to define. Solid nodules are firm structures with clear borders. Semi-solid nodules have characteristics of both solid and GGOs. Completely calcified nodules are not worrisome. Calcified nodules are extremely dense and mean the nodule has been there so long, they’ve basically turned to stone. It is difficult to make a final diagnosis on the basis of the Chest CT alone and consultation with a pulmonologist (doctor who specializes in lungs) can help.