About Vet Info, The Need, Who we serve, and Recognition of achievements.

About Vet Info.

Vet Info is a Non-Profit organization that was created to support every era of Veterans, Active-duty Service members, and their families who suffer from Mental or physical disabilities.  Each year our program continues to grow and has been recognized by the Miami VA Suicide prevention team as a resource for helping Veterans get treatment, so they do not become one of the 22 that statistically commit suicide each day.  In 2023, Vet Info’s programs and services had a direct impact on 1,214 Veterans, 313 Active-Duty Service members, and 809 Family members for a total of over 4,174 interactions.  Our Outreach program includes providing food and personal care packages to the homeless and seniors in community living centers (CLC). We also have Piscatorial, Diving, and Music as part of our Recreational Therapy program. Some of our services involve providing valuable information and resources at various City and Military functions throughout Florida, and Nation Wide.  All of the founders have been ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) certified.  Physicians at the Miami VA and other VAs across the country have reached out to our founders for their experience in Suicide Prevention, Gulf War Illness, Lung Cancer Prevention, and Mental Health issues. 

Why the Need

We have found that many active-duty Service members find it difficult to navigate the process of becoming civilians.  We provide the resources and direction to close the gap between information needed and not provided during their transition. Our biggest concern is the well-being and mental state of veterans, especially those who have experienced the horrors of war. Diverse events and outings such as fishing, bowling, or sporting events fulfill the need for those suffering from PTSD to have a safe place where bonds and trust are built. Many Veterans leave service or have life changes and become shut-ins when during the night, or time alone, unhealthy thoughts can cross their mind.  Vet Info programs and events give them something positive to look forward to and to help other veterans which takes the focus off their issues. We have Veterans and communities requesting our help in Florida and other states.  With this Donation, we can provide a more enhanced program and resources to the Veterans, and get them out and moving, while giving them hope where before it was lost. Our goal is to close the gap and fulfill needs that will reduce the stress and thoughts of suicide and depression.

Who We Serve

We support all-era Veterans, Active-Duty service, and their family members.   The main characteristics of the Veteran population we serve are mental health issues such as PTSD, Depression, and physical disabilities.  We found an unmet need and were challenged to do something about it. William Watts, one of the founders is a 100% disabled Veteran who travels the country advocating for Veterans who are sick or injured during service.  The other two founders and both Military Dependents whose fathers served in Vietnam, and this is their way of giving back.  We want to bring awareness to the community as well as let our Veterans know they are valued. To recruit Veterans, we work closely with VA Hospitals, Vet Centers, and community partners along with attending numerous outreach events focused on those who served our country. 


Our efforts have not gone unnoticed by the community, to give you some examples of recognitions received – Congressional Veterans Commendation Award, Florida Senate Veterans Champion Award, Key to the City of Doral Florida,  Additionally our Veteran founder had the City of Ft. Lauderdale Florida honor him with a proclamation naming 11 June 2022 as William “Bill” Watts Day, National articles by the Department of Veterans Affairs, Department of Defense, Nova Southern University, Featured in Gulf War Syndrome Fact or Myth Documentary(won Gold in Hollywood CA.), Serves on National Committees for the Department of Veterans Affairs and Research Programs, Pro Staff for Bass Pro Shops.  The website for Vet info has almost 55,000 unique site visits in the very short time it has been active.