Help the fight against Covid – 19

Hello All, If you are in South Florida and interested in participating in a New Covid-19 Vaccine Study here you go. They are looking for Adults whoAge 18 or older and those particularly over the age of 65Represent one of the Racial and ethnic groups that have been greatly impacted. ( See Flyer )Under Lying medical conditions such as Diabetes or ObesityHigh risks of exposures through work like a First Responder, Healthcare worker, or delivery person.Live or work in an elder-care facilityretired or active military If you decide to join a Covid-19 prevention study you may be compensated for your participation. There are 4 contacts listed but just in case Precious Leaks 305-575-7000 ext – 17648 email Info – Provided by Vet Info – #vetinfo4vets

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