Reopen the Veterans Woodshop in Lyons NJ

By Veteran Wood Co.

Link back to sign the Petition –

Veteran Wood Co. started this petition to Department of Veterans Affairs

The woodshop at the VA (Veterans Affairs) Hospital in Lyons NJ has been shutdown since the paid instructor retired last year. The equipment is just sitting there, collecting dust, not the good kind!

I, along with several other local Veteran woodworkers, have agreed to volunteer our time and re-open the wood-shop program to assist in the healing of our fellow Veterans. We need to show the Director of the Lyons VA facility the support, need, and POWER that woodworking has. 

Those with depression, PTSD, substance abuse problems or other issues can use woodworking to change their lives, even if it’s in a small way. I am asking several companies to donate the startup and consumable materials needed to lessen the financial burden on the Director’s budget, because after all, shutting down the program was to save money. 

I have made it my mission to reopen the woodshop on a volunteer basis and give back to my brothers and sisters who have sacrificed so much for our freedoms. I plan on dedicating two to three days a week overseeing the wood-shop and all its related operations. I have an extensive network of fellow Veteran Woodworkers across the north east who have expressed interest in assisting me with manpower and volunteering. 

I am asking for your commitment to the Veteran Community. Can I bring your support to the Director and show him the desire and need for this program?

Thank you!

Michael Legregni 
Veteran Wood Co.

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